Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Might as well tether me to a pole...

'Cuz that's what I am feeling like today.  I went to my endocrinologist, to get a sensor installed, so my blood sugars can be monitored for a week.  Next Wednesday, I go to get it taken out, and the next week is the assessment by the doc.

The sensor (brought to you by Dexcom) and yes, it's attached to my stomach.  Hope you're not squeamish:

which sends information wirelessly, to this:

Gotta love modern technology, no?

For those of you in the know about blood glucose and what numbers are within the proper range, this high number is after I ate something, less than one hour ago.

This modern miracle also told me, on the way home, no less, when I was going low, by beeping at me.  Kind of freaky to know it's doing this.  It also knew when I took a shot of insulin.  

In addition to this machine's "tether", my doctor wants me to note what I eat, when I eat, how much insulin I take, how many carbs are in my meal; on, and on, and on.  BUT, after all this monitoring and getting it assessed, I should be in better control of what makes me get "high" and how much insulin I need.  If I can just lick this issue, I'll be golden.

Now, on to some really fun stuff - here's how far I've gotten on my Alluvia purse:

I took these pictures yesterday, and I'm already on to the next color, teal blue - 

I'm using 100% wool for each color, and when I finish the knitting, I'm going to be felting it  - how fun!  This will be my first felting project, and I can't wait to try it out.  I'll be sure to post on here just how I will be doing it.  I am following felting instructions from the book "Knit One, Felt Too", by Kathleen Taylor.   Even though there are many places these days on the internet to look for information, sometimes a good book does the trick best.

I found the pattern on Ravelry, which I joined last year, and which has become one of my favorite sites on the internet.  There is so much to this website, if you're a knitter, or a crocheter, or spinner, you really must check it out.  But beware, and watch out - you may become addicted, like me. :0)

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