Today was especially busy, with work, doctor appointment, shopping (and networking! - more about that in a bit), then attempting to work on my Etsy business. Scanner problems halted me a tad there, but I finally conquered the beast.
I also have a WIP turned FO (finished Object) to present - it IS Work in Progress Wednesday, right?
As part of my Ravelry group Stash down A to Z, we're on letter "C" for the month of January - yes, it's only the first month of 2012, but they started the group in Oct/Nov 2011, which was the "A" month.
I am in love with this - it is the Clara Cowl, by Nerdy Gerdy Designs. I have never tried to do cabling before, and I felt very comfortable starting with this pattern!
So on to my awesome experience meeting with some potential friends/networking possibilities.
I wanted to check out this LYS (local yarn store) near my doctor's office in Glen Ellyn, IL, called String Theory Yarn Company. Nice little shop right in the heart of downtown.
After leaving their store, I noticed a vintage carpet bag purse like mine in a store front, so I went to the door to check out the store. The store Gather & Collect, wasn't open, but there was a woman named Julie inside. She saw me, and asked me if I wanted to come in and check out the store. Very nice (and great customer service, I might add).
What a cool store. She had so much in such a small place, I was very intrigued. She has purses galore, mostly vintage or handmade, vintage scarves, and lots of other vintage items. I asked her if she sold on Etsy, she said no, but I should go visit Martha, at her shop Treasure house Resale, just around the corner. Julie also offered to take my business card, if I had one (nope - lesson one: always keep business cards on me!), and also offered to mention my business on their flyer they have in their store. What a great thing for her to offer!
Well, I went to go see Martha at her shop, and the experience just kept getting better. Not only did she sell on Etsy, she's the captain of one of the biggest Vintage teams on Etsy, the Vintage Etsy Society Street Team. She's meeting with a few of the New York workers who head up the Vintage area of Etsy tomorrow - how cool is that? She offered to have me join their team of sellers and I am very excited at the prospect. They are an active group, and they help each other promoting their businesses. Can't ever network too much.
Time to get back to some knitting, it's been a long day :0)