Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy....

Wow, what another week I've had.  Life can wear you out sometimes, this week was no exception.
Today was especially busy, with work, doctor appointment, shopping (and networking! - more about that in a bit), then attempting to work on my Etsy business.  Scanner problems halted me a tad there, but I finally conquered the beast.
I also have a WIP turned FO (finished Object) to present - it IS Work in Progress Wednesday, right?

As part of my Ravelry group Stash down A to Z, we're on letter "C" for the month of January - yes, it's only the first month of 2012, but they started the group in Oct/Nov 2011, which was the "A" month.

I am in love with this - it is the Clara Cowl, by Nerdy Gerdy Designs.  I have never tried to do cabling before, and I felt very comfortable starting with this pattern!

So on to my awesome experience meeting with some potential friends/networking possibilities.

I wanted to check out this LYS (local yarn store) near my doctor's office in Glen Ellyn, IL, called String Theory Yarn Company.  Nice little shop right in the heart of downtown.  
After leaving their store, I noticed a vintage carpet bag purse like mine in a store front, so I went to the door to check out the store.  The store Gather & Collect, wasn't open, but there was a woman named Julie inside.  She saw me, and asked me if I wanted to come in and check out the store.  Very nice (and great customer service, I might add).  
What a cool store.  She had so much in such a small place, I was very intrigued.  She has purses galore, mostly vintage or handmade, vintage scarves, and lots of other vintage items.  I asked her if she sold on Etsy, she said no, but I should go visit Martha, at her shop Treasure house Resale, just around the corner.  Julie also offered to take my business card, if I had one (nope - lesson one:  always keep business cards on me!), and also offered to mention my business on their flyer they have in their store. What a great thing for her to offer!
Well, I went to go see Martha at her shop, and the experience just kept getting better.  Not only did she sell on Etsy, she's the captain of one of the biggest Vintage teams on Etsy, the Vintage Etsy Society Street Team.  She's meeting with a few of the New York workers who head up the Vintage area of Etsy tomorrow - how cool is that?  She offered to have me join their team of sellers and I am very excited at the prospect.  They are an active group, and they help each other promoting their businesses.  Can't ever network too much.
Time to get back to some knitting, it's been a long day :0)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Where'd that week of my life go?


This past week has been nothing as grandiose as having a life changing experience, yet it's been just over one week since my last post - what happened?
I guess sometimes life happens, and the computer blogging takes a back seat.  I was going to post yesterday, and then saw that it was being used as a blackout day, by sites like, Wikipedia and others.
Yesterday, if you were unlucky enough to look at this wonderful website, needing information for school and the like, all you saw was a message from them asking you to write to your congressman/woman, urging them to defeat the bill(s) in congress called SOPA and PIPA.
Today, Wikipedia has another message at the top of their page, thanking everyone for helping to keep the internet a free and informational place.
I appreciate that, and support that.  Let's keep America the great and free thinking place that it is.  No restrictions.  This is the home of the free and the brave.

o, onto my quick personal note to say that I successfully finished a WIP from last Wednesday,

but I did start a new one.  I'm almost finished with my Alluvia "A" object from my Ravelry stash down group, which was what was started from Oct/Nov, (my December "B" object is finished) and I needed to start my "C" January project before the month is over.
Until next time....

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It's Time for "WIP Wednesday!"

I almost didn't do this.  I thought about this the other day, and felt it would be a perfect way for me to show what I'm doing in my knitting, crocheting and sewing.  I was so tired today, I almost blew it off.   But, I am calling myself to the carpet, and I think if I'm going to truly COMMIT, (my word of the year) I need to step up to the plate and just bare it all, as it were.

What is a WIP you ask?  Why, it's a "Work-In-Progress", and I have a lot.  Too many, maybe.

Here they are:

Knit project #1 - seed stitch
scarf for myself using Patons wool

Knit project #2 - waffle stitch and stockinette stitch
sleeveless shell for myself using Cotton Ease

Knit Project #3 - Alluvia felted purse
for myself, using Patons wool
(What I am currently working on)

Knit Project #4 - Ten Stitch blanket
using scrap yarns

Last but not least, Knit Project #5 - drop stitch scarf
for my mom's b-dayusing Sensations brushed acrylic
 (gotta finish by 1/14 - going to mom's house then)


Crochet project #1 - large purse
for me, using Loops & Threads Kaleidoscope

Crochet project #2 - market bag
using Bernat cotton twists

Crochet project #3 - sweater using same yarn
as my mom's scarf, mixed with an unknown wool yarn
taken from a vintage 1970s magazine

I am hoping that by posting this list, I can help myself in a number of ways.

1 - Keep me from starting anything else until I finish these that I've started.
2 - By giving a weekly tally, (or at least bi-monthly?) I will see my progress and feel satisfied.
3 - Show myself that if I COMMIT myself to my work, I can accomplish many lovely things.

My ultimate goal will be to move these items from the WIP Wednesday list over to the Finished Project Friday list! :0)

For now,


Sunday, January 8, 2012

For 2012, my word is "COMMIT"

A friend of mine, Linda, has joined a group called the Fly Tribe, which is a group of women who're committed to making their art a focus in their lives.  The people who are members joined an e-course titled "Flying Lessons", offered by a woman Kelly Rae Roberts, who has been very successful in her entrepreneurial works.  She has authored a book based on this same concept of following your passion, and although I did not take the course, my friend, Linda, did.

Based on my friend's ravings about this course, it looks like it could be worth the investment.

Anyway, the women taking this course are calling themselves the Fly Tribe, based on how they felt after taking the course - they are ready to spread their wings and "take off!".  They decided to have a "blog-along" where they are all blogging about their word they have chosen for themselves for 2012.  

I decided this could be good concept for anyone, and I cannot think of a better word for me, than "COMMIT".

I want to commit myself to all that I set out to do, such as,

COMMIT to keeping my online  SewVintageRooster business on Etsy flowing with new items on a consistent basis.

COMMIT to spreading the word about my at-home Etsy business, so I can obtain more customers/purchases of my goods.

COMMIT to keeping my creative side flowing by embarking on the projects I have ideas for, and taking them to another level of investigating the fairs market, or the local small boutique shops and whether these would be a good place for my wares.

COMMIT to keeping my diet in a good place so that I keep my blood sugars in a good place.

COMMIT to finishing all that I start, so that I can feel a sense of accomplishment.

COMMIT to maintaining my blog, so that I can establish a connection with more people interested in what I have to offer.

COMMIT to keeping my social connections with people I care about and maintain a vibrant and healthy relationship with those I now know and new people I want to connect with.

COMMIT to my relationship with my spouse in a new and refreshing way so that we can grow to a good place in our later years.

COMMIT to myself - believe in myself - have faith that I can accomplish all that I set out to do.

What is YOUR word for 2012?  Give it a thought - I welcome your comments.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Might as well tether me to a pole...

'Cuz that's what I am feeling like today.  I went to my endocrinologist, to get a sensor installed, so my blood sugars can be monitored for a week.  Next Wednesday, I go to get it taken out, and the next week is the assessment by the doc.

The sensor (brought to you by Dexcom) and yes, it's attached to my stomach.  Hope you're not squeamish:

which sends information wirelessly, to this:

Gotta love modern technology, no?

For those of you in the know about blood glucose and what numbers are within the proper range, this high number is after I ate something, less than one hour ago.

This modern miracle also told me, on the way home, no less, when I was going low, by beeping at me.  Kind of freaky to know it's doing this.  It also knew when I took a shot of insulin.  

In addition to this machine's "tether", my doctor wants me to note what I eat, when I eat, how much insulin I take, how many carbs are in my meal; on, and on, and on.  BUT, after all this monitoring and getting it assessed, I should be in better control of what makes me get "high" and how much insulin I need.  If I can just lick this issue, I'll be golden.

Now, on to some really fun stuff - here's how far I've gotten on my Alluvia purse:

I took these pictures yesterday, and I'm already on to the next color, teal blue - 

I'm using 100% wool for each color, and when I finish the knitting, I'm going to be felting it  - how fun!  This will be my first felting project, and I can't wait to try it out.  I'll be sure to post on here just how I will be doing it.  I am following felting instructions from the book "Knit One, Felt Too", by Kathleen Taylor.   Even though there are many places these days on the internet to look for information, sometimes a good book does the trick best.

I found the pattern on Ravelry, which I joined last year, and which has become one of my favorite sites on the internet.  There is so much to this website, if you're a knitter, or a crocheter, or spinner, you really must check it out.  But beware, and watch out - you may become addicted, like me. :0)

Monday, January 2, 2012

THIS is why I thrift shop, people!

2012, Day Two!

I finally took some bags into the house that were from my New Year's Eve eve shopping expedition, and looked at the items I "scored".  I think my best find, even though it won't be immediately used, is this:

You are looking at 3 yards of faux suede.  This is the nice, thick, well made version, too.  It's in a lovely deep purple.  Perfect for making plenty of things, such as purses, slipper bottoms, trim, etc.
And according to Wisegeek

"Faux suede is widely used to make clothing, shoes, bags and furniture. It is a soft, synthetic fabric made of 100% polyester. The material can come in many forms, including micro suede, a microfiber. It also comes in a variety of colors and patterns.

The word suede was originally coined by the French. The word comes from gants de Suede, which roughly translates to gloves of Sweden. The soft fabric was originally created to make ladies gloves.  In many ways, faux suede is a better alternative to the real thing.  It largely feels the same as real suede, and is easier to clean and more resistant to liquid than leather.  Additionally, it is considerably cheaper than real suede, costing much less than half the price of the real thing."

Now, how cool is that? And did you notice the price? Yes, that is a 5 in front of that zero - 50 cents. And, because of the holiday, they were having a 50% off EVERYTHING. So, let's do the math here, folks. This piece measures 104 inches long x 52 wide. That's just under 3 yards of fabric, for 2-5-cents...say what? That comes to less than 1 penny per inch (.002403, to be exact), less than 3 pennies per foot (comes to a whole 2.88 cents, hehe) and a whopping 8.653 cents per yard. For faux (micro) suede - the good stuff - did I mention that already?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Year 2012, Day one

I really haven't taken care of business with this blog, and since this year is the year I "get my act together", and accomplish tasks I set out to do, here and now is a good start.
I ordered business cards today from Vista print.  What started out as a $10 for 250 cards, wound up over $30 - ouch!  But, I got the better card stock (advice from a friend), and I also ordered a T-shirt with my Etsy banner on it! - How cool is that?  I'm gonna wear that shirt to threads, because, as I see it, it's a VERY cool banner/business card/"logo".
There has been so much good TV on lately, especially old movies, my favorite.  With the job I got working at the West Chicago Middle School's cafeteria, I had two whole weeks off, and have had plenty of time to watch TV, and organize, and host a Christmas party - can't beat that.  Well, I could, with a better paying job, but that's where my Etsy shop comes in.
I was going to list a bunch of scarves today, but almost every one of them needed to be spot treated, so that took some time.  I also have on order a Brother printer that includes a fax and can print up to an 11 x 17 piece of paper - that is huge, and will make for a really cool ability for me to make some fabric pieces, another area I want to go deeper into.
The other is getting some purses made.  I have a style I really like, and I need to make sure I have all the materials I need, so I'll probably order some purse frames off of Etsy.  There's plenty to choose from.
And, since I can't post without putting up some pictures, here's one we took at Christmas just this LAST year LOL.

Curt, my sister's boyfriend of 12 years, is missing from this one -he took the pic.  The one with him in it, he's looking off to the side anyway :0(